Cilj radionice je da se poveća kapacitet komunikacije javnoj upravi da bolje komunicira sa zemljama EU u
procesu integracije i na kvalitetniji način predstavi koristi građanima koje ostvaruju tokom procesa proširenja EU.
Radionica će takođe pomoći identifikovanje izazova komunikacije sa kojima se suočava administracija,
putem prenosa znanja i najbolje prakse od članice EU Država.
Radionica će podržati javne komunikatore u
osmišljavanju komunikacijskih strategija za preuzimanje strateških
aktivnosti komunikacije o politikama EU u njihovim specifičnim oblastima
stručnost i aktivnosti.
Mr Claus Gierling
Head of Unit, Inter-institutional Relations and Communication, DG NEAR
Mr Klaus Feldgen
Online Editor, Deputy Head Writer
Press Office of the German Federal Government, Germany
Ms Ethel Halliste
Independent Communications Expert
Day 1: Thursday 07 February 2019
8:00 – 8:30 Registration of participants
8:30 -9:00 Welcome address
Aleksandar Drljevic, Chief Negotiator for Montenegro’s Accession to the
European Union, Government of Montenegro
Aivo Orav, EU Ambassador & Head of Delegation to Montenegro
Claus Giering, Head of Unit, Inter-institutional Relations and
Communication, DG NEAR, European Commission
9:00 – 10:30 What is strategic communication and how to use it in practice?
‒ What do we mean by strategic communication?
‒ Building effective messages and tailoring the target groups
‒ How to build the plan for strategic communication and implement it?
‒ Communication strategy – best practices and success factors
‒ Coordination of internal communication (at the government level)
Klaus Feldgen, Online Editor, Deputy Head Writer, Press Office of the
German Federal Government
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break
10:50 –
How to communicate EU accession process and funds? – ‘The
strategy to inform the public about Montenegro’s EU accession 2019-
Ethel Halliste, Independent Communications Expert, Estonia
12:00 –
13:30 -15:00 Communicating the European Union (case study approach)
‒ What to communicate about the EU (tailor made approach for each
‒ Best practices (how the governments communicated about EU pre-
accession and accession process with their public?)
Ethel Halliste, Independent Communications Expert, Estonia
15:00 –
Coffee break
15:20 –
What are key communication challenges and how to overcome
Session facilitated by the experts
16:00 – 16:15 Presentation of the outcome and wrap up of the day
Day 2: Friday 08 February 2019
Please be reminded to sign the attendance list
8:30 – 9:30 Digital Communication – how to best use its potential?
‒ From Web to Social Media: Is it all about Facebook & Co? A path to
an integrated digital communication strategy.
Klaus Feldgen, Online Editor, Deputy Head Writer, Press Office of the
German Federal Government
9:30 – 9:45 Coffee break
9:45 – 11:00 How to communicate EU values and policies through human stories?
Practical workshop facilitated by the experts
11:00 –
Presentation of the outcome
11:30 -12:00 Wrap up of the day and closing remarks
Nada Vojvodic, Assistant Secretary – General of the Government of
Claus Giering, Head of Unit, Inter-institutional Relations and
Communication, DG NEAR, European Commission
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